
Curious and creative!

CAARDS is an acronym that stands for:

  • Carry - Consciously coordinate.
  • Analog - Tangible tasks, at-a-glance.
  • Arrange - Prioritize with your agenda.
  • Routine - Reminders, not vibrations.
  • Direction - Do the thing.
  • Save - Store your completed tasks. Not delete.

CAARDS is the core that slots inside of any Papr Companion. I start off with a set number of cards, but I often change them depending on what I need.


You'll need a few cards to work with, blank index cards work just fine, but you can always cut your own down to size with any paper you have on-hand. Consider upcylcing scraps you already have!

Here are some primary cards that help focus on different areas:

Today, Next, Someday, Brain Dump

Papr Companion on average can hold about 20 cards depending on how thick the cards are, or how you built your PC. On average I find a week's worth of storage is fine before needing to archive older cards, and make some new ones.

With this in mind you'll need at least 7 Today cards. One card for each day of the active week.

I'd say keep at least 1 of each of the remaining cards, as those help with non-today related tasks, and ideas.

Today cards

About 365 cards, one card for each day of the year.

Unlike the 2min rule by David Allen, which I do believe is extremely helpful- I also think it can be very useful to maybe start with these small tasks especially when starting out and building your own productivity flow. Eventually the smaller tasks become easier to do without needing to jot them down or record them anymore. For example brushing your teeth in the morning or before bed. At some point this becomes routine, and not something you need to write down anymore.

Next Cards

Next and Someday are not the same. However not everyone will needs these options. Next similar to how David Allen expresses in his GTD framework, would be any tasks or “projects” that require an additional step, or waiting part. You can break this down however you like, that's what's nice about personal productivity as we tweak existing frameworks to fit our needs.

For an example: ”Walk the dog” might be a task on your Today card. However I wouldn't break it down into my Next card by adding “atomic” tasks like:

  • Get the leash
  • Plan a route
  • Wake up dog
  • Check the weather

Of course if that's what works for you, go for it. However Next cards might be best suited for slightly bigger tasks or projects with multiple steps, that cannot be done in one single day, and might be more time sensitive.

Example: Planning a birthday party. This might be your main task for the day to plan everything out. Now you can pair this with your Next cards which are not dated, and you can make an additional list there:

  • Order the cake
  • Order the balloons
  • Hire a clown
  • Setup the tables

See how maybe this might take more than a few days to tackle? As you tackle tasks on your Next card, feel free to add an additional breadcrumb by dating the task itself on the day of completion at the end. This is so you have context to your future self. I have found this to be very helpful when flipping back in my archived Today cards which point me to my Next cards.

This also shows you that Next cards can be transferred into next week or even next month depending on how you log all your tasks.

Someday Cards

Loose plans that you might want to do one day. Someday. These sit here and if you think you might make something here actionable, feel free to migrate it onto your Today Card, or Next Card and schedule it.


  • Go on vacation
  • Start a new project
  • Visit family
  • Buy birthday gift for friend

Brain Dump Cards

Arguably my favorite cards so far. These are exactly what they sound like. Anything you need. Wild cards really! These do not have to have tasks, and can have anything you want, even drawings if you want. I have always found it helpful to have a loose card like this on hand, whenever I have an idea I don't want to forget, I can jot it down here. I can also use my phone if I can't use my PC, but overall it's a freebie.

#adhd #adhdproductivity #analog #auhd #bujo #concept #crafts #diy #draft #gtd #guide #handcrafted #handmade #journal #madebycreature #madebyhand #minimal #minimalism #minimalist #offline #organization #papr #productivity #project #selfduggrave #strikethru #workflow

Welcome to Papr. Papr + CAARDS (PC) is my analog companion to everyday life helping with tangible productivity. David Allen coined the term “GTD” and created a pretty great system, and this system has been adapted over and over again. The base framework is always there, different sections are removed, or added, and exchanged with what works for our individual needs.

This is my interpretation, and adaptation.

  • No distractions
  • No alerts
  • No likes, no favorites
  • No noise

From doom-scrolling to mindful shuffling and flipping. Papr is physical.

Personal Development (in) Analog

  • Track your goals
  • Check your reminders
  • Build your routine
  • Customize your Papr needs.

Less Friction, little size

Papr comes in a small enough package that takes up less than the space of your phone. It's travel friendly, for all your open adventures. It's lightweight, it's Papr.

  • Fits in your pocket
  • Fits in your bag
  • Nestles on your desk

Slow Down, Foster Mindfulness

Papr helps us slow down by being analog, and being entirely hand-written, and hand made from the ground up. This also helps us become more mindful instead of endlessly adding tasks.

  • Works offline
  • No need to charge it
  • Use your favorite pen or pencil

#adhd #adhdproductivity #analog #auhd #bujo #concept #crafts #diy #draft #gtd #guide #handcrafted #handmade #journal #madebycreature #madebyhand #minimal #minimalism #minimalist #offline #organization #papr #productivity #project #selfduggrave #strikethru #workflow

I've made a few posts finally showing off what this is.

Those are all the visuals I've neglected to bring up sooner. I already have a public repo and wiki over on Gitlab: here which has loose documentation, a few bits of digital art, and my inspiration credit to other sources and authors where I got my ideas from.

I haven't quite centralized my information yet as I am still working on this actively. It's a lot easier to show this off in conversation, so perhaps a small video might be in order. However I want this to be pretty accessible so a script or other documentation would be good too. So balancing out both can be a little tricky.

This is not for profit I am not selling a product.

Overall I want this to remain open. I can't really say open source as there is no code, but the philosophy would be similar enough. Make it yourself, make it for your friends, loved ones, etc!! It's pretty nice when you get into it.

#papr #productivity #adhdproductivity #organization #gtd #analog #madebyhand #madebycreature #crafts #workflow #offline #minimalism #minimal #minimalist

How exactly do you introduce something to the world exactly? Typically others would tell you “just do.” which is pretty simple. Right?

There are many ways to go about this. Especially when some of the best ways are with a demo video rather than a written blog or something.

I want to kickstart this loosely. Casually and raw. My thoughts, my feelings. Here. Read this as it comes out of my head as I type. Disorganized? Maybe.

So what even is the project?

The name itself has not yet been solidified. So let's skip that for now. Humor me for a second.

Remember not that long ago, realistically when the world had a device for everything? Something for your music. Something for photos. Something for notes. Your bag would oftne be filled with various things to solve a very spesific problem, right? Not really a Swiss-army-tool to do it all. Sure sometimes that was in our bags, but more often than not you would use a tool designed for the task, right? where is this going?

I'm not here to say inconvenience is better. Clearly smartphones are the primary tool we have and use and they aren't going anywhere. Home PCs or laptops, similarly are extremely powerful to be able to do so many different things without much effort or friction.

Sometimes intentional inconvenience is not so bad. Hear me out.

I'm a big pen and paper nerd. I love how tangible it is. I can see it. Make It. Touch it and put it in a binder or folder, my pocket, my backpack. Anywhere really! It's offline. I don't need a paid subscription to reflect on this piece of paper with whatever I wrote. I don't feel distracted or compelled to worry about hastags or even titles. I can just do my own thing and move on.

Some of you may be really into tech and the solution for you is an app, or digital tool of some kind. That's okay, I'm not here to tell you that you're wrong. Keep doing you!

I want to be able to reach out to those who share similar woes to me and maybe felt like they didn't have a choice or a solution. Sometimes the existing solutions are paid, or not exactly obtainable or open.

So paper is open source, what?

Some of the core philosophy behind FOSS, is pretty neat. I kinda want to adapt something very similar to the analog world. Why not? I guess I never saw this really done before or executed in the way I've been looking for and I've been too hard on myself that releasing this openly would flop or be useless.

With how many other ideas are out there, hey why not? I'll add my drop in the bucket. Whatever. It'll be out there and at the end of the day somebody will find this helpful or useful and that's awesome.

like comment subscribe?

Not exactly. I don't want to do newsletters. I don't even want to make a dedicated blog or page for this. I want this to be pretty raw and open as you can tell from how informal this is. So I'd like to continue it as-is

At best I will collect everything I can into a repo probably on Codeberg. That's my current solution and idea.

This might get buried by thousands and millions of others but that's okay. I think some ideas shine all by themselves and because of that, I won't even include hastags here. If it develops itself, then it'll do that.

In practice I should share more about how I go about this project personally and worry about the documentation, and eveything else later.

Does that make sense?

Since I documented my journey with PostmarketOS on Nexus 5 – here. I briefly mentioned I neglected to document my journey of SailfishOS (OnePlus One.)

I can at the very least provide all of the resources I stumbled upon, or used to help me get it running.

Please note: Like I mentioned with the Nexus 5, my OnePlus One was already unlocked. It used to run Ubuntu Touch, but that quickly became deprecated. I only saw DivestOS supporting bacon with what is essentially LineageOS 13/14. However DivestOS is also deprecated. PostmarketOS seemed like a good choice but as I already have a few devices with it, I wanted to try something else. So I settled with SailfishOS.

SailfishOS is extremely tricky as the official website is very corporate forwarded. Requiring licenses and subscriptions for the OS, and an extremely limited amount of supported devices.

As usual there is a small community that makes an effort to port to other devices, and that's where my journey begins.

Getting Started: The most helpful resource for the fastest results getting SailfishOS running quickly was this website here somebody else shares a similar passion for the bacon device, and saw some potential with SailfishOS so here we go!

From the installation section the first step is flashing a version of CyanogenMod 12.1 and then immediately flashing SailfishOS. Both downloads are provided on the website. There is a bonus installation method using MultiROM but I was not interested in this, so I moved on.

Almost eveything is available on that website from installing packages (especially newer ones) to getting your terminal running, SSH, etc. The only time I deviated was when I ran into an error installing warehousesource which was related to a missing package or dependency because this version of SailfishOS is quite old. In the source for warehouse, there is a newer package – here by the same developer Olf. I was able to get warehouse installed but that's it. Nothing else appears to load, refreshing, and rebooting doesn't do anything.

A quick look into the store front doesn't appear to have many apps to really use. It's closer to what was in the Ubuntu Touch store but even less.

Another resource: There was additional information on the Mer Wiki – here which points back to the previous website and also confirms the build: The current version is (Pallas-Yllästunturi), released on 2020-11-26.

It's installed, now what? That's it. I only tested the stock apps, and a few of the Jolla apps recommended from – here but that's as far as this goes currently. Camera works, gestures work. Battery life is to be desired but that's expected on very old hardware.

I don't see this as a daily driver or anything, but it is very fun to see a sort of alternative timeline if somehow SailfishOS was able to compete back when the OnePlus was still on the market alongside Ubuntu Touch. Or maybe that's just me that finds that fascinating?

#SailfishOS #mobilelinux #linuxmobile #foss

Since I haven't been able to focus on my own blog entries on my personal site. I may as well leave a small note for myself here. I'll probably remember to come back, right?

PostmarketOSwebsite Once in a while I dust off an old device, or aquire one randomly. I check the PMOS wiki for supported devices, or just browse whatever and see what's available for testing/fun. Today's entry is focused on Google's Nexus 5 (hammerhead.) – Originally released in 2013 and launched with Android 4.4 KitKat. At the time of writing we are in 2025, and current android is on 15, with no fun codename.

Previous Notes: I already had this device unlocked and running DivestOS (now defunct.) which at its core was LineageOS 13/14? Very impressive as the performance was incredible to even see such an old device running modern android without too many hiccups. Granted it wasn't the fastest, but it also wasn't as slow as you might think. I mention this as the device was already unlocked and re-paritioned according to modern guides for LineageOS, TWRP, and of course DivestOS. This context is important to know before continuing reading.

Installation via PMOS Wiki:Source Naturally most installation instructions are always on a dedicated wiki or thread of some kind. I used the official wiki which only has two steps (minus the unlocking step.)

while in Fastboot mode:

Flashing For installation you need to flash lk2nd and flash the rootfs. Do not flash the boot partition since lk2nd uses fs-boot functionality to boot the kernel from the /boot partition of the rootfs.

  1. $ pmbootstrap flasher flash_lk2nd
  2. $ pmbootstrap flasher flash_rootfs If flashing fails with an error like “Unknown chunk type”, you may need to update your bootloader. bootloader-hammerhead-hhZ20h.img comes with the latest firmware from the android image page and can be flashed with fastboot flash bootloader path/to/bootloader-hammerhead-hhZ20h.img.

This might seem straightforward but it's missing a crucial step. What isn't directly mentioned is that you need ADB tools (this typically is already installed if you're used to flashing Android.) and pmbootstrap. See now pmbootstrap is the key to getting everything up and running as once you have it installed and setup, you run the script (as the wiki suggests) and it walks you through whatever device is supported and gets you all setup. So in this case it would be hammerhead I get to select the device, the PMOS version (edge/stable) and a very important step, the desktop! Thankfully the script only shows you what is supported by the device so you don't accidentally install something that doesn't work by default. Although be aware just because it's supported doesn't mean it runs smooth. The wiki shows a photo of the Nexus 5 running with Plama Mobile, but I have already had a different device running this and know what to expect and I wanted to try something else. I ended up choosing FBKeyboard at first as I had an idea to use this device as a small testing server. Hey others use PMOS devices to run whole Minecraft servers, I figured I wanted a goofy project for the hell of it too, why not? spoilers: because one of the steps in pmbootstrap didn't take, I was missing the rootfs so obviously it didn't boot into anything. I was able to see the splash screen, and sometimes it dropped me into a special mode with a almost functional keyboard where I can dump logs, or continue booting, or reboot. It wasn't Fastboot but I am unsure what this mode is called.

Successful Instalation + Boot: Either way, I tried looking up similar errors, and it all brought me to the same thing. Something about a missing step. I went back to the wiki and sure enough under common errors, it said it was safe to reflash rootfs using pmbootstrap so I went ahead and did that. Sure enough it took just fine. I was not able to boot immediately after, and had to reboot a few times before I got past the splash screen. After that I was greeted with sxmo and I was able to connect to wifi, run updates (no updates at this time. Already ran them via pmbootstrap.) Eveything except Firefox was pretty much working. Enabling the terminal is hit or miss. Sometimes it crashes but this is expected. Wiki says it's not meant for daily use yet, and it's natural to expect some bugs.

Now what? I don't have any current plans, as I am happy this device is running something and if I come up with an idea I'll likely report back. I just wanted to document my journey both for myself or anyone else looking to try PMOS on thier Nexus 5. According to the wiki there is quite a handful of others who own this device and also run PMOS. How active is it? That's unknown. Still very nice to see regardless.

#postmarketos #mobile #foss

Firstly, Thank you.
Thank you to the many of you this year for commissioning us, sticking with us, and even inviting your friends to the channel or referring them to us. This has been a really good year for growth for us and even stabilizing a little bit! We are still really small and still not established just yet so there's always bound to be hiccups. So naturally everyone who has been super patient and understanding with us, thank you.

Plans and timing,
We don't currently have any seriously big or major plans for next year. We would love to implement some of the ideas we already have been wanting to do but time escapes us often and prevents us from going through with some things. For example the transformation Potions. Thats something we really want to do more of, but we haven't had time to really push out a proper “commission sheet” for it with rules and examples just yet.

Better than Trello,
I haven't fully finished migrating eveything over to Gitlab just yet but hey the few of you that noticed seem to be rather happy with this change, so that gives me a lot of motivation to continue! (yay.)

Centralized platform?
We are very much still set on sticking with Mastodon. We only have Bluesky as it's far better than dealing with 𝕏. My only personal concern is I've been pushing Weasyl more because it's very easy for me to use, but I also understand it's a dead platform much like FA or even DA. I don't expect engagement there as much as I use it for navigation, examples, and overall a general gallery of sorts. I wish I could do that with Ko-Fi but as many of you know Ko-Fi kind of sucks at how it handles things. So beyond only having Ko-Fi for the can kind of start to see my woes and pains with platform stability?

Those of you who read my long posts,
Once again, thank you. Some of you have been very honest and vocal about not liking my longer posts or announcements. Particularly why I try to add TLDR or title things with “ignore if you only care about art” etc etc. Again I truly do try to be very accessible and accommodate all, as much as I possibly can. Sometimes pushing my own limits.

TLDR: “Thank you for joining us this year. We will continue everything as-is, and try to offer more things when we have time. Our primary platforms remain the same. (MastodonBlueskyTelegram.) Thanks for reading.”

Your hard working reindeer, Velvet

My own personal guide and reference point to Wobbledogs. Everything here is logged via personal experience and testing.

Wobble Training Index:

basic passive conditioning advanced
sit eat toy lay capsule
roll over sleep egg lay egg
speak (bark) poop capsule die
grab sneeze food x
x choke on food sway x
x bite bounce x
x howl buck x
x shake object hoard object x
x throw object x x

Misc Passive Commands (unorganized)

  • Anxiety Nap
  • Barf
  • Bark
  • Buck
  • Bury Object
  • Bite
  • Bounce
  • Capsule
  • Choke On Food
  • Die
  • Dispense Food
  • Dirt Clump
  • Dig
  • Dog Core
  • Eat
  • Egg
  • Expand Den
  • Food
  • Food Dispenser
  • Goof Off
  • Grab
  • Hoard Objects
  • Hole
  • Howl
  • Lay Capsule
  • Lay Egg
  • Poop
  • Roll Over
  • Seed Packet
  • Sit
  • Sleep
  • Shake Object
  • Sneeze
  • Sway
  • Watch TV

    Wobble Training Index:

Basic commands –> Common commands –> Conditioning commands –> Advanced commands

Wobbledog Traits

WobbleDogs are sometimes born with Personality Traits. This is trainable. (ex: Train your WobbleDog with Food and related commands; offspring has a chance of having Glutton as a personality trait.)


  • Peaceful
  • Social
  • Polite
  • Loud
  • Glutton


  • Antagonistic

  • Rude

  • Food Adverse

  • Aloof

  • Quiet

  • Unpettable

Note: Unpettable is by far the only true negative personality trait, as it makes training extremely challenging if you are not giving that WobbleDog special attention and training during it's life cycle.

Training (unorganized)

1) Passive:

  • Bark –> Howl
  • Bounce –> Buck –> Sway
  • Buck
  • Sway
  • Sneeze
  • Lay Egg
  • Lay Capsule
  • Poop
  • Die

At the end of a WobbleDog's life cycle they will Die. This brings up a trainable menu for some reason. You are able to praise or scold your is currently unknown what these effects are.

  • Food Dispenser
  • Hole
  • Goof Off

2) Semi-Passive:

  • Hoard Objects Requires object of any kind to be available for a Wobbledog to hoard. This may not require a Den already made, but having a Den helps as that is where Wobbledogs store their new found treasures.

Barf See number 10 under section: [[#4) Command]]

Choke On Food See number 10 under section: [[#4) Command]]

Dispense Food –> Food Dispenser Requires a Food Dispenser deployed in the world and to be accesible. Wobbledogs may passively Dispense Food all on thier own. Usually when they are hungry, but not always. This is not a command the player can issue themselves. Training Dispense Food will passively train Food Dispenser.

Howl A default reaction for all Wobbledogs when one of thier kind Dies. This is automatically triggered and cannot be prevented. Otherwise Wobbledogs with the Trait: Loud, may howl randomly alongside Bark.

Note: Ghost Wobbledogs are more often to howl randomly. Note 2: Howling will disrupt nearby Wobbledogs trying to Sleep.

Expand Den Requires a complete Den already built and constructed. Wobbledogs will Expand Den passively. This can be done up to 5 times. This will generate a lot of Dirt Clumps.

Note: See Dirt Clump

Dirt Clump If a Den base construction is avalible, WobbleDogs will Dig and collect Dirt Clumps, and slowly build a Den (Requires 25 Dirt Clumps.) If a Den is already complete, Dirt Clumps have no further use. Note: Dig will also produce Dirt Clumps Note 2: See Expand Den.

Bite A passive action Wobbledogs may do on thier own. The player can only issue the Bite command via WobbleBopper. Nothing else. Anxiety Nap Not enough information on this training menu.

Shake Object

Toy –> Shake Object –> Throw Object Requires a Toy deployed or the WobbleBopper, Spinning Heads, etc. Toy is a passive training menu that comes up on it's own by simply interacting with an Object that counts as a Toy.

Wobbledogs may Shake Object on thier own, this is not a player issued command. However when it happens, a training menu may pop up if you choose to train it.

Throw Object is a command you may issue to have a Wobbledog holding an Object, well throw it.

Food Food is a semi-passive. This would only come up additional to Eat or Grab (Grabbing an eatable item specifically.)

4) Command

Typically requires the player to start a command in order to bring up the training menu.

  1. Watch TV Requires a TV deployed.

  2. Sleep Can command to sleep or sometimes wait for the wobbledog to sleep all on it's own.

  3. Dig –> Hole –> Bury Object The Dig command can be followed up with an additional command Bury Object. With the right timing, a passive training menu labeled Hole will come up.

  4. Sit Wobbledogs can sit on their own without player commands, but this is one of the few default commands you can use to train your Wobbledog.

  5. Seed Packet Requires you to use the Dig command first and dig up a Seed Packet, then requires you to use the Grab command to have a Wobbledog grab the seed packet. While they are holding the seed packet the Wobbledog may be praised to boost “Seed Packet”

  6. Grab –> Throw Object > (Toy) Requires a grabbable object. Once the Wobbledog has grabbed an object you may use the throw command. Additionally if you have them grab a toy, the training menu “Toy” will passively show up.

  7. Egg Requires an egg to have already been laid. This also requires a player to use the Grab command. While the Wobbledog is holding the egg, the training menu “Egg” should come up on it's on.

  8. Roll Over Another command that a player can choose from the default command set. Otherwise Wobbledogs may Roll Over all on their own.

  9. Capsule Similar to egg. Requires a Capsule already available. (Note: If you have already collected all walls, carpets, and furniture, Capsules will stop spawning entirely.)

  10. Eat > Food > Choke on Food > Barf The basic command Eat in order to feed your Wobble dog. They will passively eat on their own but it usually requires food to already be available (or at least a dispenser)

If a Food Dispenser is NOT available, Wobbledogs might Dig all on their own and start eating Dirt Clumps in order to feed themselves. They may also Poop and Eat Poop again, in order to survive.

Wobbledogs may randomly Choke on Food, which makes them puke a pink liquid while emptying some of their stomach flora. This also produces a eatable food object “Chewed Food.” More critically Wobbledogs may Barf which may empty an extreme amount of stomach flora. This produces no objects, and creates a pink puddle on the floor that needs to be cleaned up.

  1. Dog Core Similar to Egg and Capsule. Dog Core is required.

  2. Bury Object An object and hole is required to issue this command.

Quite the curious reindeer, I mean Yinglet? What a mess. Feel free to ignore this, I am currently trying to see how this shows up on Mastodon.

That was a small paragraph, so here's a bonus sentence. Cool.

About Velvet, for reals

I am mostly a writer. Tinkerer at heart. I have a lot of strange bursts of passions that are strong and then they fizzle out. Or I get distracted and temporarily forget how exciting a precious thing is! Sometimes there's just so many neat things out there, but I don't have enough time to give everything attention. Kind of like this blog, I think WriteFreely is pretty cool. It's almost everything I've been looking for in a little writing tool. Kind of like the writer's equivalent of Pixelfed?

Is anyone ever truly good at writing bios or “about me” pages. Probably would be neat to have this in a interview style? Maybe I'll try that next time and redo this. That sounds fun, I like that.

Self plug

Wanna see something itty-bitty and cute? website via Gitlab pages It's just Tiddly FeatherWiki but somehow even smaller, and I love that! Speaking of small. I do art sometimes. Check out my repo

I have Neocities too, but it's not as cute. More people should know about TiddlyWiki I would love to see more pop up.