
Curious and creative!

This is a small set of rules directly taken from the original source (see bottom yt source link) for Aki's “Extreme Minimalist 30-Day Challenge.” This is the original draft, without taking a look at his future installments. For those please see, this. Mirror


Take inventory of all your items in your home or room.

Box up what you can as if you were planning to move to a new location.

Label all boxes, and if needed write everything down on paper or a digital document.

Place all boxes with all items into a isolated area or room, away from where you msinly stay. This room or area will remain off limits until the day is over.

During the beginning of the next day, you may go to the room/area and collect only one item.

You are not allowed to buy anything during these 30 days. Making items by hand, also counts as your item of the day. No loopholes.

Quote: “I needed to know what items were really important for me” – Aki


Permission to use essential items for work, but avoid using them for private purposes.


You may choose to start with one item or nothing, the choice is up to how you'd like to proceed. In the original challenge by Aki, he decided to choose “Fundoshi” to avoid getting in trouble with youtube, as he publicly documented his challenge. yt source

bonus transcript: source