A Holiday Blessing for the Dark of the Year
May your turkey be juicy and your pie crust flaky.
May your happiness be boundless and your gratitude list long.
May you be valiant when faced with danger and tender when faced with love.
May your nobler self prevail when faced with contention.
May your home shimmer warm and fragrant.
May your planet know you as a light touch.
May you have enough and may you be enough.
May you wander in wonder.
May your cheeks be rosy and may your heart beat fast.
May your corners be perfect and may your bows never go flat.
May you breathe deeply and rejoice in living.
May you deserve the love of animals and little children.
May you earn the respect and support of your community.
May you play as hard as you work during the coming year.
May your stockings be well-stuffed, your generosity expansive, and your heart full of joy.
May you know passion and peace.
May your soul sparkle like the stars in the cosmos.
May you stand close, always, to that which you hold sacred.
May the Elf that roams winter's longest nights be generous.
And may you find your heart's true desire gathered around your hearth.
MoonLit Press wishes you all the best of the holidays this Yuletide. We thank you for your kind attention over the course of this past year as we have embarked on our experimental blog. We do so hope you’ve enjoyed it. We’ll be taking some time off in December to spend the holidays with our families and to revel in the season. We’ll see you again at the end of the year during the December New Moon.
Look for us on Mastodon, a free, open-source, distributed, independent chat service where there are no big corporations (or their agendas) between us.
Follow Terryl's work and give her feedback on:
Mastodon | https://mastodon.sdf.org/@wordsbyterryl |
mailto:moonlitpress@proton.me |
Gratitude list:
Graphic design by AJ Brown | https://mastodon.sdf.org/@mral |
Images by Weihnachten Kamin | |
Images by W. C. Bauer |
Some images are through Creative Commons License and we would thank all of those creators if we could find their names.
Terryl is grateful to have the time and space to write, and will be using her Christmas break to develop some new inventory. She is grateful for the people who give of their time and attention to read her work. It is a gift beyond measure.
Terryl is also grateful to Al, whose skills compliment hers so well. There would be little point in doing the heavy lifting of writing without him, because without him nobody would ever read it.
Terryl and Al are both deeply thankful to the people who read our work. You’re why we do it. We love hearing back from you, and are ever so grateful to you for sharing our efforts with your friends and family.
Terryl Warnock is an eccentric with a happy heart who lives on the outskirts of town with her cat. She is known as an essayist, proof reader, editor, maker of soap, and proud pagan. A lifetime student, she has pursued science, religion, and sustainable communities. This, plus life experience from the local community service to ski instructor, from forest service worker to DMV supervisor, from hospitality to business owner gives her a broad view on the world.
Terryl is the author of:The Miracle du jour, ISBN-10: 0989469859, ISBN-13 : 978-0-9894698-5-2
AJ Brown, in a past life, was an embedded systems engineer (digital design engineer). He worked on new product designs from hard disk controllers, communication protocols, and link encryptors to battery monitors for electric cars.
A few years ago he surrendered his spot on the freeway to someone else. Now he is more interested in sailing, building out his live-in bus for travel, and supporting the idea of full-circle food: the propagation, growth, harvest, storage, preparation, and preservation of healthy sustenance. He is a strong supporter of Free/Libre Open Source Software[F/LOSS] and is willing to help most anyone in their quest to use it.
Together, we are MoonLit Press where words and images matter.