I think we all need to be very clear on what was said at the rally where a transphobic woman cited Mein Kampf.

It was not ambiguous.

It was not in any way something you could interpret or spin as her “quoting Hitler to rebut him”.

She directly quoted Hitler and agreed with him and used his terminology exactly the same way he used it. She just changed the target from Jewish people to trans people.

“Do you know the big lie? The big lie was first described by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf.

“The big lie is such a big lie that ordinary people like us think, ‘Well, that can’t be a lie because I would never tell such a big lie as that. We only lie in small ways.’

“The big lie, well there is one big lie going on, and it was begun by men in the early part of the 20th century. It began when they had an erotic fantasy and they decided they were going to sell us the big lie – and what is the big lie?

“The big lie is that trans women are women. But they’re not are they? They’re men and we know that.”

Source link

This is NAZI behavior.

This woman is a NAZI. She is quoting Hitler, she is using his terminology the exact same way he used it, and she is agreeing with him. She is not only transphobic, she is antisemitic.


There is no way on Earth you can interpret this speech to mean “she was disagreeing with Hitler”.

You can't.