Lesbian x Trans Solidarity

Research has just come out showing that lesbians overwhelmingly love and support trans people, including trans men.

This is incredible. There are some very loud voices online claiming that “true” lesbians hate men, hate males, and could never date or even support a trans person.

The idea that lesbians as a whole are transphobic is in fact lesphobic. Lesbians are actually even more supportive of trans people than the general LGBTQ community!

Lesbians as a community are huge trans allies.

New research by Just Like Us has found that lesbians are the most likely of the whole LGBTQ+ community to be supportive of trans people.

Exclusionists are part of a small, loud minority. 92-96% of lesbians are supportive to very supportive of trans people.

Butch women and trans men are in fact one community. There is an unbroken spectrum from butch to transmasc. There is such an overlap between us it is call the trans-butch cusp.

Trans and lesbian solidarity is stronger than the crybabies.

The exclusionists can go bigoted and alone. No one agrees with them.

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