False equivalences and Nazi rhetoric

“if one bigoted radfem represents us all then all trans women murder lesbians like dana rivers and all trans women rape their moms like chris chan”

This is an ask I received from a radfem on Tumblr earlier today, and here is my response:

The radfem is using a rather serious logical fallacy here, the fallacy of false equivalence:

It's like the difference between saying “Black lives matter” and “Cop lives matter”. Being a cop is a job, being black is not.

Using the radfem's logic though, it's ok to say, “if one bigoted cop represents them all, then all black men are serial killers because of this famous black serial killer”.

I hope everyone is able to see how incredibly racist that it.

Here's the thing: racists already use this logic. I've seen them do it! You have too! Remember when Trump tried to paint all Mexican immigrants as evil murderers based on a single incident? Bigots love to paint marginalized people as evil based on the acts of individuals.

And yet here this radfem is using the same logic and language as racists, the KKK, Nazis, and other white supremacists.

No wonder their people are quoting Hitler. They just have to switch out Jews for trans people, et voila. Hitler hated trans and gay people too, for the record. There's probably a passage from something he wrote that talks about how much he hates trans and gay people. I'm sure it'll be found and quoted soon.


It's not just “one bigoted radfem”. It's not just Lisa Morgan, the “gender critical” feminist who quoted Mein Kampf. It's not just this radfem, using the logic of racists in my inbox.

It's many of them being bigoted, because their ideology has become bigoted. Gender critical, TERF, radfem, it all means the same thing these days. They're all equally responsible for bolstering the bigoted politicians on the far right who are legislating the waves of transphobia, sexism and misogyny that are hurting people across the world.

How many people were at the rally in Newcastle? Around 400. That's the Posie Parker rally where Lisa Morgan quoted Mein Kampf and compared trans people to Jews and brought back the Nazi concept of “the big lie”. The women there cheered for her. This is not “just one woman”.

Both online and off, radfems, TERFs, “gender critical” feminists and other transphobic people are causing incredible harm.

It's bigotry.