Make money selling hosting services
If you register for an account on the list below and join the site affiliate program, then you can make money. You make money when a user purchase hosting on a commission basis. Some services give rewards some don't.
How do i make money? Selling premium services in most cases hosting.
My latest way to monetize list...
Tutorial to make money $$$ Money Glitch $$$...
3 – Change urls /clientarea.php to /register.php 4 – Register an account in each 5 – Change urls /register.php to /affiliates.php 6 – Activate affiliate program 7 – Collect your affiliate link 8 – Open notepad and create a list 9 – Paste the list online
Possible errors: – The supplied VAT Number is not valid. – We do not currently offer an affiliate system to our clients. – To create an account, please place an order with us. – Your Account Is Currently Pending Approval.
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